I use an out-of-the-box approach to help you…

  • accept

    Change your relationship with your thoughts and feelings

  • defuse

    Develop psychological flexibility around the narratives you have become fused with

  • integrate

    Create habits of value based behavior

  • commit

    Change patterns that prevent you from living a flexible, meaningful, and enjoyable life

Pulling it out of the therapy room and into your life. 

What you’ll get

Let's talk.

It starts with an introductory phone call where we can discuss your needs, any problems you are having, and if this service is a good fit for you.

What does a session look like?

Our work together will include…

  • Planning for and implementing changes into your life

  • Recognizing the problems you are having and do something about them (see FAQs below)

  • Becoming aware of where you want to go and how to get there

  • Taking steps towards creating more feelings of hope, confidence, and self-efficacy

And then what?

Integration. ACT is used to help clients consistently choose to behave in alignment with their values in the presence of challenges. That is why I support my clients both in and out of sessions by… 

  • Providing guidance through especially difficult moments or when questions come up 

  • Linking you to other resources that will help you make meaningful adjustments to your environment

  • Giving you optional exercises to take home that will help with expanding on the work you do in session

FAQs (for you to ask yourself)

experiencial avoidance

Do I try to run, hide, or fight painful experiences?

Cognitive Fusion

Do I have stories I tell myself about what is right and wrong?

self as content

Do I feel defensive about the person I am?

Conceptualized past or feared future

Am I fixated on the past or future, constantly ruminating or worrying?

Lack of values clarity

How often do I do things because I “should” or “have to”?


Do I have the energy or ability to actually make significant changes in my life? Do I feel like impulsivity or procrastination are holding me back?